I added MS PGothic as a fallback for people who have really old Windows machines which don’t have Meiryo. A Windows user who visits my site would see the text in Meiryo since Meiryo is a standard Windows font. If a visitor to my Japanese website (built in Freeway) is using a Mac, then they would see all the Japanese text in Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, since that font is on their MacOS X computer. Specifically, I setup a Screen Font as “Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro” (a standard MacOS Japanese font, since I use a Mac), and I then setup the following as “Alternative Fonts” that will be chosen in the browser, based on the type of device the user has:
For example, I created a font set named “Gothic” so I can apply that to my Japanese text and have it display properly as a Gothic style Japanese font in the browser.
In SoftPress Freeway, the Edit menu contains a command called “Font Sets” that allows me to create a new font set with any fonts I like.